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Most Important Hacking & Hacking Programming

These are the most important hacking and hacking programming languages.
Ruby programming language
Python programming language
C / C ++ programming languages
SQL language
Java language

Other programming languages ​​you may want to learn:

Ruby programming language:
I think Ruby is the best programming language that you should start with if you want to enter the world of hacking, some people will disagree with me and say that Python is correct in the first place and it is the best, but I do not agree and strongly, the Ruby programming language is strong enough to program and manufacture any hacking application Or any software code capable of performing a simple or complicated hacking process, so do not forget that the largest hacking project, which is the Metasploit, started with Ruby and includes multiple codes and codes that exceed half in the Ruby programming language, to share the rest of the other projects within it between Python and Perl. Ruby programming language, as well as its framework, Rails have many powerful properties. Ruby may be a little difficult to understand or deal with, but it is worth using and is also very smart and powerful in the field.

Python programming language:
The Python programming language has many uses in software matters, it can be used to create desktop software, or web software, even in data analysis, data science and many other fields, and it may be mentioned that it is also used in the field of hacking, because python is essential in the world of hacking To provide it with several packages in order to uncover behind the lines of software and platforms that target it, and to detect its vulnerabilities and collect data about the target platform. Not only that, but there are packages in the Python programming language that enable you to create powerful penetration software that is able to break the security barrier of many programs. You will need strong courses in learning to use them of course, but your learning of them will provide you with strong experience in your software industry able to target Any platform.

Javascript is one of the strong programming languages ​​today in the world of the web, and the weaknesses of any website or web application can be revealed almost via Javascript. Rather, it is possible to program scripts or programming codes that can be applied in the console of any site to extract many of its gaps and weaknesses, and we have seen This is a lot in CTF matches and competitions if you watch one day. Javascript is indispensable in revealing the weaknesses of web applications today, but the extension of Javascript has reached the desktop as well. Programming applications on the desktop can extract vulnerabilities of target platforms in your hacking process, and your learning of Javascript is necessary today to deal with any web application whether Programmatically or in the world of hack.

C / C ++ programming languages:
Two languages ​​I did not separate, I decided to group both in one class, because the goal is one of them, both C and Cpp depend on the two properties of Assembling, that is, they are simply two languages ​​that are able to deal with the Machine Language but in a human way, as you can control elements The hardware, for example, is via both of them, so both C / C ++ is used in programming operating systems like Linux and Unix. You may need the following two languages, too. To deal more seriously with the devices that you use, you do not always target only web or desktop applications, but sometimes you will need to violate the sanctity of an electronic device that may never even have an operating system or something like that, and to be able From it you will need to control it via Assemble languages ​​such as C or C ++.

SQL language:
SQL or Strectured Query Language, SQL is used in the form of commands or what we call it Query, the latter relates to databases, and then fetch the data you want through other orders included in this language, so for example, get all the data of the users in a table Users From the private database, you can use the Select * from users code to obtain all the information. SQL comes with other dynamic languages ​​like Php, which in turn may sometimes overlook some of the basics of Query, causing a vulnerability, the most famous of which is SQL Injection. Your learning of SQL is necessary in order to communicate with databases, seek them, find data, and so on.

Java language:
Java is a free programming language as well and its use is widespread, whether on the web or the desktop and such a mobile. Do not forget that Java can be used on the scale of Data Science and structural analyzes. On the whole, your learning of Java will help you to detect gaps and problems and also the threats of software that uses Java is a basic language, as Java has a wide range and its software is abundant. Knowing the ingredients of the dessert in which it was made will enable you to change its flavor or reveal the flavors that spoil your dessert.

Other programming languages ​​you may want to learn:
What we have presented above from programming languages ​​does not mean mastery of all of them, but some of them are enough to include you in the field, I may personally recommend you the ruby ​​or the Python, but if you have previously studied Java or you have a specialization in the programming language for example, it is sufficient to see the section on how to exploit Java In hacking processes, and we suggest you in this domain, other programming languages ​​if you are fluent in it or have extensive knowledge of it, you can simply develop your techniques in it and look at the aspect of hacking and hacking in that language: – The programming language Php, since most web sites today It depends on Php or its freekorat. Perl programming language, Perl is one of the strong and ancient languages ​​in the Hacking field as well. It has contributed to building the project of Metalsploite as well, but its development is difficult, and it is preferred to use Python instead. Assembly language, we did not include it with C and C ++ because it is difficult to learn and complicated, and the previous two languages ​​are enough to cover what the Assembly might do or benefit you in the world of penetration.

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